Los caleidoscopios cognitivos y experimentalistas de Margarida Sardinha
Margarida Sardinha expone actualmente El Portal de la Simetría, en el Centro Ismaili de Lisboa. Obras tridimensionales y obra videográfica cuyo punto de partida es el estudio de los 17 grupos de simetría que hay en un plano, de echo representados en el Alhambra. Margarida Sardinha hace del estudio comparativo de las religiones una base conceptual para sus obras caleidoscópicas experimentalistas, con antecedentes claros en el Op Art y en el experimentalismo del cine radical de la West Coast (San Francisco Bay Area). Su atención a las geometrías y sus expansiones tridimensionales en contexto teosófico anicónico, hacen de su obra una aproximación a la filigrana oculta y contingente de la Naturaleza, la cual deriva de una declarada unidad primordial, cuyo Logos recibe en las religiones monoteístas el nombre de Dios.
Margarida Sardinha (web) no conoce al experimentalista utópico, Emanuel Dimas de Melo Pimenta (web), un arquitecto virtual, musico, compositor y teórico luso-brasileño de las relaciones entre filosofía, ciencia y arte. No conoce a Phill Niblock (web) y su Experimental Intermedia Foundation (web). Hay una diferencia de generaciones que lo explica. Pero estamos seguros de que un día se van a conocer.
El tema de la simetría y de las casi-simetrías (demostradas por Premio Nobel, Dan Shechtman), puede que sea un buen pretexto para un café!
Sobre esta exposición, dos textos de ENNYMAN
Discussing Symmetry’s Portal with Artist Margarida Sardinha of Portugal
I’ve been following the work of Lisbon-born artist Margardia Sardinha since I first discovered and interviewed her in late 2010. Perhaps it was our shared interest in Magical Realism that captured my attention. In our first interview I was impressed with the breadth and depth of her studies and experience. Since that time she has produced several award-winning works including HyperLightness ad absurdum and London Memory multi+city.
To best appreciate this interview and the work it discusses, I recommend beginning with yesterday’s Introduction to the Alhambra.
The Alhambra: An Introduction for North American Readers
I recently received an email regarding a new exhibition, titled Symmetry’s Portal, by Lisbon-born artist Margardia Sardinha. The show was exhibited at Centro Cultural Jaime Lobo e Silva in Ericeira and opening this past week at Lisbon’s Ismaili Centre, which belongs to the Aga Khan Foundation.
The press release begins with this enticing description:
Symmetry ‘s Portal is an exhibition organized by the artist Margarida Sardinha that has, over a lengthy period of time, been extensively focused on the concepts of symmetry and optical illusion. The exhibition expands geometrically a wide photographic survey of the Alhambra in Granada documented by the artist. This photographic assemblage is used by Margarida Sardinha to deconstruct symmetry and to generate illusory semblances. Symmetry ‘s Portal is a body of work of optical illusions where the symmetric and random are diluted in three-dimensional works originated from two-dimensional planes.