Qué es una naturaleza artificial y por qué es importante
Hoy vivimos en entornos que se convirtieron en nuestro entorno «natural», aunque no son naturales en absoluto. Muchos de ellos ni siquiera son aptos para una vida humana adecuada, por ejemplo cuando piensas en la situación reciente de las aglomeraciones urbanas, o en nuestra creciente dependencia de los entornos mediados por Internet que necesitamos y que se volvió bastante natural para nosotros. Pero que no son naturales ni presentan el entorno normal y «natural» de los seres humanos durante la mayor parte de su historia. O considere la mayor parte de los paisajes logísticos y basura en las periferias de nuestras ciudades, topográficas que se convirtieron en un entorno normal para nosotros. Incluso tenemos paisajes completos que parecen naturales pero que han sido diseñados para uso turístico, simulando un entorno natural.
[…]What is an Artificial Nature, and Why it is Important
Today, we live in environments that became our ‘natural’ surroundings although they are not natural at all. Many of them are not even suited for a proper human living, e.g. when you think about the recent situation in urban agglomerations, or about our increasing dependency on internet-based mediated environments which we need and which became quite natural for us. But which are neither natural nor present the normal, ‘natural’ environment of human beings for the most time of their history. Or consider the bulk of logistic and junk landscapes at the fringes of our cities, topographies which became a normal environment for us. We have even entire landscapes which seem natural but which have been designed for touristic use, faking a natural environment.
To become aware of the unnatural nature of our meanwhile normal environments we all got used to, conceiving them as ‘natural’ – it could be worth the effort for sake of a better living, and for activities related to that.
Venice Biennale for Architecture, 2018
26 May – 28 Nov 2018
Palazzo Mora, Room 7