Principio de la primavera, hecho en 1072, es considerada una de las grandes obras maestras de la tradición del paisaje monumental del Song del Norte. Es un raro ejemplo de una pintura temprana ejecutada por un profesional de la corte que ha firmado y fechado su trabajo. (1)
Guo Xi (chino: 郭熙, pinyin: Guō Xī, Wade-Giles: Kuo Hsi) (circa 1020–1090) — pintor paisajista chino, originario de la Provincia de Henan, fue el máximo exponente de la pintura Song septentrional, en la que el género pictórico alcanzó el mismo estatus cultural que la poesía, gracias sobre todo el mecenazgo del emperador Huizong. Surgió entonces la figura del «pintor-letrado» (wen ren hua), el artista dotado de una gran erudición y acervo cultural, equiparado socialmente a la altura de los literatos, y no ya como un mero artesano, como era considerado hasta hacía poco. El principal género de expresión de estos pintores fue el paisaje, junto a la pintura de pájaros y flores.
Treatise on Mountains and Waters (山水訓)
Being a court professional, he developed an incredibly detailed system of idiomatic brushstrokes which became important for later painters. His most famous work is Early Spring, dated 1072. The work demonstrates his innovative techniques for producing multiple perspectives which he called «the angle of totality.» The following is an excerpt from his «Treatise on Mountains and Waters (山水訓)»:
The clouds and the vapors of real landscapes are not the same in the four seasons. In spring they are light and diffused, in summer rich and dense, in autumn scattered and thin, and in winter dark and solitary. When such effects can be seen in pictures, the clouds and vapors have an air of life. The mist around the mountains is not the same in the four seasons. The mountains in spring are light and seductive as if smiling; the mountains in summer have a blue-green color which seems to be spread over them; the mountains in autumn are bright and tidy as if freshly painted; the mountains in winter are sad and tranquil as if sleeping.
— in Guo XI – Song Dinasty (960 -1279) / China Online Museum
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